War Heritage Institute

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Aviation Hall

Due to an event in Brussels, the Aviation Hall in the Royal Military Museum will be closed to the public on Sunday 12 September. We thank you for your understanding.

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Europa Expo organises its expo in Liège, ‘Napoleon - Beyond the myth’.

This immersive cultural adventure traces the many facets of Napoleon Bonaparte, who still continues to influence our daily lives two centuries after his death.

The objective and critical approach of the scenography of this exposition will let you bear witness to the live and work of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The Royal Army Museum has lend some original pieces to the exposition.

Discover these pieces and many more in Liège, open for visit untill the end of January 2022.

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Visiting all corners of the world, that’s possible during the guided tours at the Royal Army Museum and the Art & History Museum. Let a guide at the Art & History Museum take you on a journey, and go from Canada via South America over Indonesia and Vietnam to China, Nepal and India. Via a hidden passway you make the crossover to the Royal Army Museum. A stop on the top of the Triumphal Arch will show you the breathtaking view over Brussels. In the Royal Army Museum you depart from the aircraft hall. The guide will then lead you into the footsteps of soldiers deployed on far away fronts.


Come face to fa...

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Travel around the world in one afternoon? That's possible during our children activity this summer! Our Education Service will take you a on a journey for an afternoon full of surprises in the Royal Army Museum. Of course this also includes something to eat and drink! And anyone who travels obviously loves to bring home a souvenir. You make them all by yourself during a creative hour.

For children between 8 and 12 years old.


In Dutch:

Friday 9 July, 13:30 - 16:30

Wednesday 18 August, 13:30 - 16:30

In French:

Wednesday 14 July, 13:30 - 16:30

Wednesday 25 August, 13:30 - 16:30


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The winners of the schoolcontest “Marie & Operation Nord Sea 1944-‘45” are known! Congratulations to primary schools De Zonnebloem from Sint-Amands, Sint-Jan from Ledegem and Twinkel from Oostwinkel! They came to Zeebrugge on Tuesday to collect their prize.

Thank you to all the schools who participated.

Be sure to visit this magnificent exposition, which includes the anti-aircraft gun of the British warship HMS Roberts from our collections.

Tickets and info: www.seafront-zeebrugge.be

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MESA 2021

On June 24th we’ll be in Bastogne, and you?! Take part in the European March of Memory and Friendship (MESA) (8, 16, 24 or 32 km) and meet us at the Mardasson Memorial to discover 3 of our vehicles!

Only a couple of days left to register.

Info and registrations: http://www.marche-mesa.com/inscriptionen.html

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This past Sunday, the ‘Enclos des fusillés (Enclosure of the executed) in Schaerbeek received de title of “Nationale Necropolis”, during a tribute to the executed resistance fighters of the First and Second World War.

© Malek Azoug

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The diversity and richness of the Military Museum collections, moreover presented in a magnificent architecture, doubtlessly surprise! For this nocturne we focus on foreign collections. Testimonials of far-away countries and quaint objects take you on an imaginary trip, perhaps even on board one of the flying machines in the incredible aviation collection.

On the program:

• a world tour through stories and anecdotes about key pieces told by museum staff;

• the discovery of the Museum’s trades in video capsules accessible through QR Codes;

• 5 activity files for children and adults to be executed as...

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16 August 1897. The Belgica is about to leave Antwerp harbour for Antarctica. A team of international scientists boarded the ship. They are looking forward to making countless discoveries… and so is Colin, a young boy dreaming of adventure. They don’t yet know that the perilous journey to what could be seen as the end of the world will hold quite some surprises. We’re off to the white continent!

After the successful Pipo the war dog about the Great War and Belle-Fleur about life in the coalmines, our youth author Sandrine Place wrote a new book: Belgica. An Adventure in Antarctica (illustrations by Stéphanie...

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Did you know that the WHI staff counts artists, creators, teachers … and writers?

In her leisure time Sandrine Place, our colleague from the Educational Service, puts pen to paper to tell children about history and heritage in a playful way. Today we present her first youth book, Pipo, the war dog, published in 2014 by Renaissance du Livre (illustrated by Marie de Salle).

August 1914: Belgium is dragged into the war. The Yser flatland becomes the scene of fierce combat. Pipo, a dog whose farm was bombed, meets René, a soldier on his way to join his regiment in Dixmude. As time goes by, Pipo and René becom...

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