War Heritage Institute

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Guided tour Royal Army Museum ♥ Museum A&H via Triumphal Arch

Visiting all corners of the world, that’s possible during the guided tours at the Royal Army Museum and the Art & History Museum. Let a guide at the Art & History Museum take you on a journey, and go from Canada via South America over Indonesia and Vietnam to China, Nepal and India. Via a hidden passway you make the crossover to the Royal Army Museum. A stop on the top of the Triumphal Arch will show you the breathtaking view over Brussels. In the Royal Army Museum you depart from the aircraft hall. The guide will then lead you into the footsteps of soldiers deployed on far away fronts.


Come face to face (that’s right, closer than 1.5m is allowed!) with the masterpieces of the American and Asian art collection using five looking cards with fun exercises and information for young and old. The adventure continues at the neighbouring Royal Military Museum where the Sabena airplane has stops in Mexico, Algeria, Russia and Japan. Here, too, you can enjoy a different view on a number of extraordinary museum pieces, “armed” with five looking cards.  You will receive these looking cards upon presentation of a valid ticket on the day of your guided tour.


  • Wear comfortable shoes, there are about 100 steps to climb!
  • Choose your starting point: either the Art & History Museum, or the Royal Military Museum. Please check the information on your ticket before starting.
  • Left items in the cloak room? The tour ends in another museum, so you will have to go back round the outside.
  • Tickets are valid for the day (both museums).


FR: Sun 29.08 at 14 :00

NL: Sun 29.08 at 11 :00


The guided tour will take approximately 90 minutes


Buy your tickets online - FR

Buy your tickets online - NL