War Heritage Institute

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Discovering the Military Museum is not only wandering through various galleries in order to analyse successive wars. It is of course much more, but do you actually know that? Visiting the Royal Military Museum also is admiring the Historic Gallery!

The gallery contains an exceptional array of uniforms and weapons illustrating the Belgian army in the 19th century, an era in which the industrial revolution produced new and modern destructive gear. All over the world, from Mexico to Rome, from Portugal to the Congo, from Guatemala to the USA, in Cairo, in Peking and in South Africa wars of a new kind were bein...

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Discovering the Military Museum is not only wandering through various galleries in order to analyse successive wars. It is of course much more, but do you actually know that? Visiting the Royal Military Museum also is discovering the Russian Gallery!

This gallery, refurbished in 2001, testifies to the determination displayed by Russian officers – who had lost everything in the 1917 revolution – to safeguard evidence of the greatness of the tsar empire and the part played by Russia in the Great War in the heart of Europe. Admire the splendid souvenirs linked to the Pavlovsky regiments and the lancers of the...

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Discovering the Military Museum is not only wandering through various galleries in order to analyse successive wars. It is of course much more, but do you actually know that? Visiting the Royal Military Museum also is enjoying a spectacular view over our lovely capital from the Jubilee Park arcade terraces!

Before experiencing this exceptional event, you are presented with unique collections of military objects, testimonials of a time in which war was fought with panache, with refined weapons and headdresses manufactured by world-renowned gold and silversmiths. A bygone era in which both music and the sound...

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Discover the War Heritage jobs in our various sites!

Episode 6: Collection of photographs - on Youtube

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Discover the War Heritage jobs in our various sites!

Episode 5: Firearms specialist - on Youtube

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Discover the War Heritage jobs in our various sites!

Episode 2: Commemorative tours - on Youtube

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Discover the War Heritage jobs in our various sites!

Episode 3: Our travelling exhibitions can be rented - on Youtube

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Discover the War Heritage jobs in our various sites!

Episode 2: metal restoration and conservation - on Youtube

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Discover the War Heritage jobs in our various sites!

Episode 1: the Trench of Death in Dixmude - on Youtube

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If ever there was one object symbolizing the corona virus pandemic currently afflicting the world, then the mask certainly is it, as that became essential in the battle against covid-19. However, the use of a mask as a barrier against inhalation of toxic substances is not new. An overview.

Masks on stage

Masks have held an important place in the evolution of our civilisation since Antiquity. They initially had funerary functions. In the Egyptian necropolises and the graves of Mycenae a simple gold leaf was used to sculpt the faces of the dead and keep their features intact. The mask was later made out of ligh...

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