War Heritage Institute

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Dear visitors,

For the festive season, our opening hours are changing! The Royal Museum of the Army will close its doors at 14.00 on the 24th and 31st of December 2021 (last entrance at 13.00).

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Corona update

With the corona measures announced last week in mind, a number of adjustments were made for the NUTS weekend in Bastogne.

At the event, the applicable safety measures will be in force, so CST and mouth mask are mandatory for everyone!

Below you can find the adapted version of the Bastogne Barracks program during the NUTS weekend:

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In 2014, an 'asbestos phase out plan' was approved with the aim of making Belgium more asbestos-safe by 2040. But what about the museum sector that conserves objects containing asbestos in collections and considers them heritage to be preserved?

The WHI wants to help raise awareness among the heritage sector in Belgium about the danger of harmful patrimony and the use of dangerous products in museum collections, because a museum organization is responsible for the safety of employees and the public.

A symposium will be organized on 6 December 2021 with the following theme: management of dangerous patrimony wi...

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New temporary exhibition at the Royal Army Museum!

In March 2020, our country went in lockdown for the first time, due to a novel and unknown coronavirus. This virus has hit hard, especially in residential care centers. Logistical and medical assistance quickly became necessary, and the medical component of the Defense was called upon for this purpose.

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Pour les événements :

Flandre :

A partir du 01/11/21 : le CST doit être mis en place à partir de 200 personnes à l'intérieur et 400 personnes à l'extérieur.

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Ten nights and two routes through the heights of the capital enable you to discover many fun and immersive artistic works. There is also a fringe programme of various colourful events alongside the festival.

From 28 October to 6 November, let yourself be guided by lights through the Royal district and European district to the Parc du Cinquantenaire. Bright Brussels is a magical festival that is totally free, illuminating your autumn.

The Royal Army Museum opens its doors at night. You can visit the Napoleontic collection under the terraces, but mostly the terraces themselves are worth visiting, providing a beautiful view on the capital.

When? 29/10, 30/10, 5/11 and 6/11, 19.00>23.00

Where? Jubelpark 3, 1000 Brussel

Price: 5 euro for adults, 4 euro for concessions More info

Covid Safe Ticket

Dear visitors,

In Brussels and in Wallonia, our sites follow the current security measures and the introduction of the Covid Safe Ticket. Visitors between 12 and 16 must either present a Covid Safe Ticket or wear a mask, and the Covid Safe Ticket is compulsory for visitors over the age of 16. With the Covid Safe Ticket, the wearing of a mask is no longer mandatory in our premises.

These rules apply:

  • From 15 October at the Army Museum (Brussels)
  • From 1 November in Bastogne Barracks (Bastogne)

⚠️ For school groups, the CST is not compulsory but then the mask obligation remains in order to guarantee ev...

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À l'occasion de la commémoration des 70 ans de la guerre de Corée, des cérémonies locales seront organisées dans plusieurs communes belges.

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez, listé par date, la date et le lieu de ces évènements. De plus amples informations peuvent être obtenues auprès des communes concernées.

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Le War Heritage Institute recrute:

  • 1 assistant stagiaire contractuel (m/v/x) pour la conservation et à la restauration du patrimoine en papier historique (contrat de trois mois).

Le War Heritage Institute (WHI) gère et coordonne un réseau de musées et de sites militaires exceptionnels : le Musée royal de l'Armée et de l'Histoire militaire, le Mémorial national Fort Breendonk, Bastogne Barracks, le Dodengang et le Kemmelberg.

Dans le cadre du projet du projet CAHN. (BRAIN-be 2.0 Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks PHASE 2 - 2018-2023, CONTRACT NR B2/202/P2/CAHN “Congo-Arab Heritage...

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Come and catch Museum Night Fever on Saturday 23 October 2021. Twenty-nine Brussels museums await you for a roaring night.

The War Heritage Institute/Royal Military Museum is one of them and focuses on its Great Hall, decked out in dazzling colours for the occasion. Plastic artist EloH surprizes both ears and eyes with “Mine de rien”, a trialogue between installation, video mapping and vjing. Through their project “Icarus 80” the students with the “Word” and “Music” sections of the Artistic High School in Brussels revisit the Greek myth by adding a splash of eighties rock ‘n’ roll. Still want more? You are an...

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