War Heritage Institute

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Nocturne “Around the World at the War Heritage Institute/Royal Military Museum” Thursday 27 May, from 5 till 10 p.m.

The diversity and richness of the Military Museum collections, moreover presented in a magnificent architecture, doubtlessly surprise! For this nocturne we focus on foreign collections. Testimonials of far-away countries and quaint objects take you on an imaginary trip, perhaps even on board one of the flying machines in the incredible aviation collection.

On the program:

• a world tour through stories and anecdotes about key pieces told by museum staff;

• the discovery of the Museum’s trades in video capsules accessible through QR Codes;

• 5 activity files for children and adults to be executed as you wander through the collections (The Museum of Art and History also prepared 5 files, for those who wish to discover both museums on the same evening or later).

All activities observe current sanitary rules. Admission: 5 € (standard), 2.50 € (under 26) and 1.25 € (Article 27).

Booking mandatory for all activities.

Tickets for sale only on https://nocturnes.brussels/en/museum/war-heritage-institute/ (no tickets for sale at the Museum)

The ten activity files are available on nocturne night in both museums or on their websites. Attention: to use the files in both museums on nocturne night it is mandatory to make reservations in both museums.

Activity files: click here!