War Heritage Institute

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10 Days Book Fair: War. Occupation. Liberation.

16 August 1897. The Belgica is about to leave Antwerp harbour for Antarctica. A team of international scientists boarded the ship. They are looking forward to making countless discoveries… and so is Colin, a young boy dreaming of adventure. They don’t yet know that the perilous journey to what could be seen as the end of the world will hold quite some surprises. We’re off to the white continent!

After the successful Pipo the war dog about the Great War and Belle-Fleur about life in the coalmines, our youth author Sandrine Place wrote a new book: Belgica. An Adventure in Antarctica (illustrations by Stéphanie Vander Meiren, Renaissance du Livre, 2018). The book evokes the famous polar expedition by Adrien de Gerlache and his crew at the end of the 19th century on board the Belgica. Discover the story now with your children and be sure to see the “Antarctica” gallery about the Belgian presence on the white continent as soon as the Military Museum will have re-opened its doors.

The book is available in French and Dutch. For sale in Dutch on reservatie@whi.be

On sale at the museum.