War Heritage Institute

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Voilà l'été, la période des vacances bien méritées. Pas besoin de partir très loin pour s'offrir un peu de dépaysement. Le Musée de l'Armée et ses collections internationales feront voyager petits et grands autour du monde. Pas besoin de lourdes valises, notre nouveau livret de jeu (distribué gratuitement au comptoir d'accueil) et un crayon suffisent pour cette aventure à travers 10 siècle d'histoire. Embarquement immédiat !

Disponible en FR et en NL Durée : 1:30-2:00 Jeu parcours gratuit (inclus dans le prix d'entrée au Musée), livret à demander au comptoir d'accueil, se munir d'un crayon. Pas de réservation A...

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Good news! The inconvenience caused by the renovations at the Royal Military Museum has been resolved faster than expected and the Aviation Hall is now accessible again to the public!

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An overview of the winning French, Belgian and German comics. Congratulations!

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Due to the work currently being carried out, the closing of the Aviation Hall to the public has been extended on a preventive basis until Wednesday, June 15th included.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

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The ASBL Horizon 50-200 is looking for a Chief Operating Officer

Context of the job:

The association Horizon 50-200 (ASBL), located on the site of the Parc du Cinquantenaire in Brussels, aims to:

  • Promote, develop, repurpose, renovate and perpetuate the recreational, cultural and scientific hub formed by the Parc du Cinquantenaire and its buildings, institutions and collections which are exhibited or preserved there.
  • Promote and encourage citizen participation in the debate on major societal issues such as the future of Europe, climate, biodiversity, decolonisation, political systems, etc.
  • Organise pa...

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Due to works currently being carried out, the Aviation Hall will be closed to the public on Tuesday May 24th and Wednesday May 25th.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

  • EXPO – Permanent exhibition
  • BEHIND THE SCENES – “The museum behind the scenes”
  • EXTRA-MUROS – Behind the scenes of the Cinquantenaire (Art & Histoiry Museum,, War Heritage, IRPA)

Restoration workshops, storerooms, studios, rooms being (re)fitted, documentation centre… The Royal Military Museum will soon hold no secrets for you! Tonight, discover the behind-the-scenes work and the multitude of jobs that are essential to the daily operation of a museum that conserves 12 centuries of military history, from medieval armour to the F-16 fighter plane. Thematic guided tours of the permanent collections will al...

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The Military Museum safeguards thousands of objects. The curator is currently drawing up the inventory and could definitely use some help to complete this huge task! By solving various riddles, you can discover the name of our mystery item... And a small surprise awaits you at the end of the circuit !

Circuit available in French and Dutch, upon request at the main reception desk during the Easter holidays + in download on our website

  • From Saturday 2 April through Sunday 17 April 2022;
  • Free of charge (included in the entrance fee);
  • Public: children aged 7 and older. The circuit is also suited to teenag...

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Come to the Royal Military Museum during Spring Break and do our carnival tour with your children!

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Tickets only for sale on line, starting Monday 7 February 2022 at 5 p.m. (the link to the ticketing website is to be found on this page from that date onwards).

Sabaton’s new album The War To End All Wars will be released on 4 March 2022.

This new album – focusing entirely on the First World War – was officially presented to the international press in a very special venue: the Military Museum in Brussels!

We now present Sabaton fans with the opportunity of enjoying a unique and exclusive pre-release evening in that same location on 3 March 2022.

What can you expect?

  • Opportunity to purchase pre-relea...

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