War Heritage Institute

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10 Days Book Fair: Pipo, the war dog

Did you know that the WHI staff counts artists, creators, teachers … and writers?

In her leisure time Sandrine Place, our colleague from the Educational Service, puts pen to paper to tell children about history and heritage in a playful way. Today we present her first youth book, Pipo, the war dog, published in 2014 by Renaissance du Livre (illustrated by Marie de Salle).

August 1914: Belgium is dragged into the war. The Yser flatland becomes the scene of fierce combat. Pipo, a dog whose farm was bombed, meets René, a soldier on his way to join his regiment in Dixmude. As time goes by, Pipo and René become inseparable. They rely on one another to weather the four long years at the front.

Through Pipo’s eyes, the children discover the facts of war: life in the trenches, gas attacks, German prisoners of war, leaves and rest periods, food shortages, bombings, attacks, dead and wounded companions, field hospitals and convalescence. And then the weapons finally fall silent and it’s time to return home.

The book is available in French and Dutch.

On sale at the museum.