War Heritage Institute

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Editorial policy for social networks

The War Heritage Institute (WHI) is most happy to welcome you on its various contact platforms. Through our presence on social networks we want to share information and establish a privileged link with our various publics.

Our editorial line reflects the choices and decisions made by our editorial board, and respects the philosophy and values we defend. It is directly linked to our permanent collections, our temporary exhibitions, our pedagogical tools and the Museum’s conservation and research efforts.

This is the choice location for communicating your ideas about the subjects we broach. However, we count on you to express your opinions respectfully. We commit to respecting intellectual property, copyright and the European regulations on the protection of personal data (GDPR).


Netiquette is the arrangement of regulations ruling polite Internet behaviour, e.g. for social network interaction, discussion forums, instant messaging and e-mail.

We cannot respond to specific cases. That is why we ask you not to publish personal and confidential information.

In the world of Internet the use of upper case is considered as shouting. A comment is as pertinent and so much more attractive to read in lower case and without exclamation marks.

The use of hyperlinks leading to other sites is authorized, in as far as the contents are linked to the subjects broached. However, we are not responsible for these sites and we do not necessarily approve their contents. We reserve the right to suppress links to a platform we do not condone.


We cannot monitor our accounts in real time. However, we commit to responding as soon as possible to all messages requiring a reply.

Suppression of messages

We commit to reading all messages published on our platform. However, we reserve the right to withdraw following messages (list not exhaustive):

  • messages containing confidential information and personal data;
  • messages containing openly defamatory, slanderous, spiteful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic or sexist contents;
  • messages containing vulgar, obscene or malevolent language;
  • messages containing lies or irrelevant items;
  • redundant messages;
  • incomprehensible messages;
  • messages promoting products or services (in whatever shape or form).

Respect for privacy and protection of personal data

We commit to respecting privacy. All pictures and videos appearing on our platform were authorized by the identifiable individuals appearing in them. We also mention copyrights for all professional photographs.


Our social media accounts are managed by our Communication department.

Used platforms

The WHI uses different information carriers to share its information with the largest audience possible.

Your comments are welcome on the WHI Facebook pages. However, they have to respect our editorial policy. When “liking” another Facebook user’s page, this does not necessarily mean we condone its sayings or activities. Users are invited to read the Facebook Confidentiality Policy.

The WHI Twitter account constitutes another means of communication about our activities. Hashtags can be used according to the circumstances. Because of the 140-character limit imposed by Twitter, we shorten our hyperlinks. Users are invited to read the Twitter Confidentiality Policy.

Users are invited to read the Instagram Confidentiality Policy.

You can find additional information about users accounts in the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram settings.


Our messages are typically written in French, Dutch and English. Press cuttings are posted in the original language.

We reserve the right to modify these rules at any given time and without prior notice.