War Heritage Institute

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As of Wednesday 20 May 2020, three War Heritage Institute sites will once again be accessible to the public: the Royal Military Museum (Brussels), the National Memorial of Fort Breendonk (Willebroek) and the Trench of Death (Dixmude).

The sites are open from Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.

Till 30 June at least, following measures apply:

  • Ticket purchases can only be settled electronically;
  • Wearing a mask is mandatory, both in public spaces and in open air;
  • Group events and guided tours are suspended for the time being;
  • Some galleries, such as the Cinquantenaire ...

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Monday, 25 May 2020 in Belgium, be part of the .COMmemoration!

You have pictures of a Memorial Day ceremony, a soldier is part of your family, you have memories that are linked : all the jewels are to be shared.

Leave virtual flowers and share memories on your smartphone or via your computer. Let's take an online break together on Memorial Day 2020.



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Museum Week 2020

Discover this year edition of the Museum Week : 7 days, 7 themes, 7 hashtags !

“Togetherness” is the encompassing theme for MuseumWeek 2020 : "The health crisis linked to the coronavirus has reinforced our desire to promote this universal message, and to have MuseumWeek be a support for confined popula8ons and for those who fight against this disease. We also want to highlight the power of culture, art, and the ins8tu8ons that support them and their unique ability to bring us together. They allow us to create a bond, to give meaning to our lives, and to carry out our strongest aspira/ons. They allow us to dee...

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Participate in #wewillmeetagain, the War Heritage Institute’s campaign for the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Selah Sue joins in too.

Commemorate your hero through #wewillmeetagain. Climax on 8 May with Selah Sue.

Post a picture and the story of someone who experienced the Second World War and who is important to you on the War Heritage Institute’s Facebook page. A member of your family who served or was deported, a resistance hero from your city or a historical figure you want to remember. A national remembrance moment will be held on 8 May at 11:01 p.m. Place a picture of your...

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Not always easy to keep children busy in these times of confinement. That is why we suggest the following: have your budding artists draw their visions of the Military Museum.

Our collections are extremely varied: from the knight’s armour to the F-16, over Napoleonic musical instruments, colourful 19th century uniforms, world war equipment or the scale- model of the Belgica caught in polar ice.

If you already visited the Museum, your children can draw on their souvenirs. If not, you can discover our collections on this site or on the Internet, as numerous photographers used our magnificent setting as a back...

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Watch the “Sam Sachs 105 BDAY WISH” on YouTube. The corona pandemic interferes with the birthday party of this American veteran who landed in Normandy on 6 June 1944 to liberate France and Europe. Do him a favour and send him a card for his birthday on 26 April. Address: Mom and Dad’s House, c/o Lt. Col. Sam Sachs, 4340 Conquista Ave., Lakewood, CA 90713 - USA.

The War Heritage Institute wishes him all the best! #culturesurvivechallenge

Watch here !

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Bedfordshire resident Captain Tom Moore displayed exceptional solidarity in these trying corona times. Aged 99 and supported by his walker this war hero walked the length of his garden an amazing 100 times. With his action he convinced 620,000 people worldwide to donate some 16 million euro to the NHS. The War Heritage Institute salutes this hero. #culturesurvivechallenge

Picture © via Reuters.

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No rest for the War Heritage Institute in the spring of 2020. With input provided by numerous volunteers the data about military cemeteries in West-Flanders were examined. Names were checked, double occurrences eliminated and grave numbers adapted to the actual situation in the field. Graves in France and Great Britain were similarly investigated. All updates are to be found on www.wardeadregister.be.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Do you have pictures of Second World War soldiers fallen in combat? Send them to wardeadregister@warheritage.be. Records are updated on a weekly basis. Follow our website. #c...

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Everybody imagines a royal birthday to be a grand affair, but King Philip will celebrate his very intimately. The large party uniting some hundred fellow countrymen born just like him on 15 April 1960 was cancelled because of the current confinement and social distancing rules. The gathering had initially been planned for 16 May. However, turning sixty is not an everyday event… That is why the War Heritage Institute wishes the King a most happy birthday.

I thank you most heartily for all your kind messages on the occasion of my sixtieth birthday. Today, I wholeheartedly support those who suffer. We will ov...

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