War Heritage Institute

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Het Fort Eben-Emael - an immense underground complex and in its time one of the largest and strongest fortifications in Europe - was considered impregnable. Until May 10, 1940, when a German elite unit of paratroopers seized the fortress during a spectacular attack.

The fort is reopened : you can now discover - in safe conditions, of course - the reconstructed barracks, the museum, the immense corridors and the battle stations.

More information about the fort and the corona security measures and reservation: www.fort-eben-emael.be

Photo © Fort Eben - Emael

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Take advantage of the summer to discover our collections under the sign of the "mask"!

Masks to protect yourself from gas, weapon blows, the sun or the scorching desert wind... Masks that bring oxygen to the pilot, protect the tank-rider's eyes or allow the parachutist to camouflage himself...

Come and follow our different courses:

  • QRCodes tour: discover the history and usefulness of about thirty masks by scanning the QRCode placed on the display case (available in FR, NL and ENG).
  • geocaching " Masks " tour: follow the trail of the masks by answering the questions. Pay attention and you will find the...

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Reopening of Cdoc to external visitors!

As weeks of confinement have fuelled your curiosity about your family's military past; as you have embarked on a final time trial for the presentation of your thesis, or simply because you have missed us, you will be happy to learn of the reopening of the documentation centre and its invaluable collections. The procedure is detailed on the Cdoc's home page (link).

For your safety and the safety of our employees, respect the adage: " make an appointment, prepare your visit and wear a mask ".

See you soon!

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From 1 July onwards

the Royal Museum of the Army will be open
  • from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • the Arcades, the Antarctic space and the Russian collections will be accessible again
  • mandatory reservation via: booking.klmmra@warheritage.be or 02/737 78 33 (during opening hours)
  • possibility of guided tours by reservation (at the latest 3 weeks before the chosen date) via : reservation@whi.be.
the National Memorial of the Fort of Breendonk will be open:

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  1. As of 24 June 2020 students and PhD candidates requiring access to archives in the framework of their scientific activities are once again welcome in the documentation centre reading room upon appointment and provided they wear a face mask. Students are required to present their student ID and PhD candidates have to supply credentials establishing they are linked to a fund for scientific research, a university or a scientific institution.
  2. As of 1 July 2020 the reading room is accessible to all members of the public.

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Bastogne Barracks

Bastogne Barracks welcomes you from 1 July till 30 August 2020, with observance of all security measures.

Self-guided visits only (no guided tours). To be visited: the large hall with the Second World War vehicles

The McAuliffe section is not accessible for security reasons

When? Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.

Reservation mandatory : Booking.bastogne@warheritage.be

Paying access

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Guided tours for groups are once again authorized as of Wednesday 17 June! Groups are limited to 10 participants for general tours and some themes (aviation, Belgium in the 19th century, 14-18,…). The sections “Inter-war era” and “Second World War” are also limited to 10 participants per group.

For reservations, please notify reservation@whi.be of the selected hour, date and theme, of an address for billing and of a telephone number, at least three weeks before your arrival.

Access to collections only with respect for social distancing and with a facemask.

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The SKYCAFE reopens its doors, however with a modified schedule, viz. from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m.

The kitchen only operates from 11:30 a.m. till 2 p.m. It is strongly recommended to book by calling 02/ 737 79 66, at least 30 minutes before your arrival. Baguettes are baked in the house and the number of people per table is limited to 10.

We took all necessary precautions to welcome you as heartily as possible and observe all current sanitary rules.

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In May 2020 the WHI acquired a true treasure.

The First World War collection now also features a cavalry uniform jacket of the 16th Dragoon regiment, that belonged to the last German Emperor Wilhelm II (1859-1941).

A silk tailor’s label of court supplier Noé & Schultze, with the Emperor’s signature in blue pencil, as well as an embroidered regiment label for the 2nd Hanoverian Dragoon regiment n° 16 with the hand-sewn imperial monogram and crown, do not leave any doubt as to the uniform’s authenticity. The length of the sleeves also betrays the jacket belonged to Emperor Wilhelm II, who was born with a pa...

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The Royal Military Museum Great Hall welcomed this military transport aircraft F-119 G in 1978. It was restored by non-profit association AELR volunteers.

One cannot miss it; its sheer bulk makes sure of that: a wingspan of 33 meters, a length of 26 meters and a height of 8 meters for a tare weight of 18 tonnes!

Our Armed Forces used it from 1952 to 1973 and deployed it for countless missions, both humanitarian (the Netherlands, Morocco, India, the Middle East,…) and military (mainly in the Congo). However, it was essentially used for dropping paratroopers: more than 250,000 servicemen performed one or m...

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