War Heritage Institute

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Draw the Military Museum for us!

Not always easy to keep children busy in these times of confinement. That is why we suggest the following: have your budding artists draw their visions of the Military Museum.

Our collections are extremely varied: from the knight’s armour to the F-16, over Napoleonic musical instruments, colourful 19th century uniforms, world war equipment or the scale- model of the Belgica caught in polar ice.

If you already visited the Museum, your children can draw on their souvenirs. If not, you can discover our collections on this site or on the Internet, as numerous photographers used our magnificent setting as a background. Drawings can represent a gallery as a whole or an object in particular.

All techniques are authorized: your imagination is the limit!

Send the scanned or photographed work to reservation@whi.be We will publish all works on this website and on our Facebook page (by sending us your drawing, you authorize us to publish it. We will not publish names, except if you mention the child’s first name and age on the drawing).

Pencils and crayons on the ready, and go!