War Heritage Institute

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King Philip turns sixty today

Everybody imagines a royal birthday to be a grand affair, but King Philip will celebrate his very intimately. The large party uniting some hundred fellow countrymen born just like him on 15 April 1960 was cancelled because of the current confinement and social distancing rules. The gathering had initially been planned for 16 May. However, turning sixty is not an everyday event… That is why the War Heritage Institute wishes the King a most happy birthday.

I thank you most heartily for all your kind messages on the occasion of my sixtieth birthday. Today, I wholeheartedly support those who suffer. We will overcome these trying times together! ”, the King tweeted this morning.

King Philip joined the Air Force for his military training. Dipping into the country’s archives: Prince Philip’s first flight on Mirage in 1981. https://www.rtl.be/info/video/452669.aspx