War Heritage Institute

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Our doors are open!

As of Wednesday 20 May 2020, three War Heritage Institute sites will once again be accessible to the public: the Royal Military Museum (Brussels), the National Memorial of Fort Breendonk (Willebroek) and the Trench of Death (Dixmude).

The sites are open from Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.

Till 30 June at least, following measures apply:

  • Ticket purchases can only be settled electronically;
  • Wearing a mask is mandatory, both in public spaces and in open air;
  • Group events and guided tours are suspended for the time being;
  • Some galleries, such as the Cinquantenaire Arcades, are closed;
  • CEDOC (the Royal Military Museum’s documentation and archives centre) remains closed to the public for the time being;
  • Reservation is mandatory, either by email or by phone (during opening hours):
    • Royal Military Museum:
      • booking.klmmra@warheritage.be
      • 02/737 78 33
    • National Memorial of Fort Breendonk:
      • booking.breendonk@warheritage.be
      • 03/860 75 25
    • Trench of Death:
      • booking.dodengang@warheritage.be
      • 051/50 53 44

We prioritize the security and comfort of both our visitors and our staff members. That is why these practical changes are accompanied by various measures meant to guarantee the best possible environment to all.

  • Each of the three sites is spacious enough to welcome an important number of visitors simultaneously. However, a booking system by email or telephone is put in place, to enable us to monitor visitor flow.

  • In order to limit risks, we ask to maintain distance, not only with regard to other visitors, but also from collection items.

  • The members of our desk staff wear masks, are informed of all measures to be observed and permanently disinfect payment terminals. They are also protected by a Perspex partition.

  • Visitors will receive a circulation map and adjustments were developed for all tours: the number of visitors is limited in narrow hallways, some galleries are closed and alternate paths are developed wherever necessary. A new and adapted signage is of course put in place.

  • All visitors have to disinfect their hands upon arrival: gel is at disposal at the entrance of our sites. Touch screens are disconnected to avoid contamination. The audioguides at Fort Breendonk are disinfected after each use.

It goes without saying that the War Heritage Institute meticulously follows all National Security Council guidelines in order to provide everyone with an opportunity to safely dive into History.