War Heritage Institute

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Covid Safe Ticket

Dear visitors,

In Brussels and in Wallonia, our sites follow the current security measures and the introduction of the Covid Safe Ticket. Visitors between 12 and 16 must either present a Covid Safe Ticket or wear a mask, and the Covid Safe Ticket is compulsory for visitors over the age of 16. With the Covid Safe Ticket, the wearing of a mask is no longer mandatory in our premises.

These rules apply:

  • From 15 October at the Army Museum (Brussels)
  • From 1 November in Bastogne Barracks (Bastogne)

⚠️ For school groups, the CST is not compulsory but then the mask obligation remains in order to guarantee everyone's safety.

⚠️ Attention: for the SkyCafé (Army Museum, Brussels), the safety measures for restaurants in Brussels apply!