War Heritage Institute

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For Earth Day 2021, on 22 April, ICOM (International Council of Museums) joins the “United for Biodiversity” initiative, in order to sensitize for the need to protect biodiversity and to make greater efforts in the museum and cultural sectors. Museums are sources of reliable information and therefore particularly suited to rouse communities to generate positive actions, to promote respect for all things living and the systems of the earth on which the future of our planet hinges. At the Royal Military Museum the “Antarctica” gallery provides visitors with the opportunity to dive into the expeditions our country launched in joint operation with Defence on the white continent. Through a modern and dynamic scenography the public travels through time, from the Belgica expedition in 1897-1899, over the King Baudouin Base in 1957-1960 to the present-day Princess Elisabeth Base. With its “Antarctica” gallery the Royal military Museum is the only Belgian institution to present undisclosed pieces from the Belgica expedition. Museums have no borders, they have networks. Through our united efforts we can reach the goals set for sustainable development.