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The Paelinck brothers, the Belgian version of “Saving Private Ryan”

When the First World War breaks out Maria Lammens sees her four sons leave for the front. Unfortunately, the four brothers from Laarne will meet with cruel fates.

Camiel dies on 21 October 1914 during the Yser battle, Pierre-Albert loses his life on 10 December 1914 in Calais, Jan-Baptiste dies on 15 May 1916 and Emile… Emile is removed from the front through a telegram by Charles de Broqueville, the Belgian Minister of War. He is put to work in the artillery training centre at Eu. After the armistice he re-joins his original unit and is demobilized on 4 September 1919.

If you wish to honour the Paelinck brothers you can do so at the Adinkerke military cemetery (tombs 1353 and 1354) and at the Belgian honours field in Calais (tomb 169).