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The Belgian Navy celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2021

The Belgian Navy celebrates its 75 years of existence in February. The event was marked on February 1, albeit quite intimately because of the sanitary measures imposed by the corona pandemic.

However, the Navy’s history is honoured through the publication of a book to be released by mid-February: “The Belgian Navy. From 1946 till today”. The Navy will then also organize a digital exhibition dedicated to its uniforms. A weekend uniting all sea scouts in the country is programmed in May and the port of Brussels will hail the Navy in June.

The Navy heavily invested in innovative technology and a scientific weekend focusing on the research ship Belgica will therefore be organized in Ghent. In October a grand technological weekend will take place in Zeebrugge. A job fair will present the Navy specialties to all youngsters, as these jobs require numerous and varied skills.

The Royal Military Museum in Brussels also honours the Navy:

The Navy Gallery

The Navy Gallery displays collection items, documents, pictures, film footage, scale models and uniforms. The visitor can also admire a “PAP”, a “poison auto-propulsé” or “self-propelled fish”, used by Belgian minesweepers. The objects tell the story and the evolution of the Belgian Navy since its creation in 1831. They illustrate the actions undertaken by the seamen and draw attention to the important part they played both in Belgium and in Europe.


In March 2016 the Museum inaugurated a new exhibition space dedicated to military operations on the South Pole. The "Antarctica" gallery illustrates the expeditions Belgium conducted on the white continent, in close cooperation with Defence. Through a modern and dynamic scenography the visitor travels in time: from the Belgica voyage in 1897-1899, over the King Baudouin station in 1957-1960 up to the current Princess Elisabeth station. The RMM in this way is the first Belgian institute to present hitherto unrevealed objects used during the Belgica expedition.

More info on: http://www.klm-mra.be/D7t/fr/content/marine

Because of the sanitary measures, please make inquiries about the terms of the visit.