War Heritage Institute

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As the 1918 Armistice is just a few days away, the Educational Service therefore grouped various information elements especially for you

You wish to know more about the First World War as the 1918 Armistice is just a few days away? You’re looking for information to discuss the subject with your (grand)children? You’re a teacher and have to prepare a lesson about 14-18?

A visit to our collections, a guided tour, an animation or a workshop is not possible right now, and the Educational Service therefore grouped various information elements especially for you.

Two brand-new and very complete educational files about 14-18 have been added to the existing ones. They can be downloaded through www.klm-mra.be free of charge (Available in French and Dutch).

Based on the Museum collections and archives the booklet “Pipo the war dog” can inform the youngest audience about the conflict. The book is available in bookshops or can be ordered through reservation@whi.be (Place S. And de Salle M., Pipo de oorlogshond / Pipo chien de guerre, Renaissance du Livre, 2014. Available in French and Dutch).