War Heritage Institute

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History on the Go! The relations between Belgium and Germany through museum cases

  • Exhibition/workshop at the Royal Museum of Mariemont: from May 4 till 16, 2021
  • Exhibition/workshop at the Royal Military Museum: from November 16 till 27, 2021 Under the patronage of the German Embassy in Brussels and the Belgian Embassy in Berlin.

In mid-November 2021 the War Heritage Institute/Royal Military Museum will welcome eleven museum cases realized by students in French language and culture of the university of Paderborn, in joint operation with UCL History students. The museum of the Belgian Armed Forces in Soest, a city in the vicinity of Paderborn, joined the project as a special witness of the relations between Belgium and Germany from the First World War to the early 1990s. The city indeed welcomed Belgian soldiers between 1951 and 1994 and countless Belgians reside in the area to this day.

The Royal Military Museum and the Museum of Mariemont are project partners as welcoming institutions and will ensure museum mediation when the cases are presented in the respective institutions.

The official launch ceremony of the museum cases on tour in Belgium will be aired on the Facebook pages of all partners on Monday 22 March at 10:30 a.m.

Follow the event by clicking here: https://fb.me/e/UcDq5mQZ

Each case illustrates aspects of 20th century Belgian and German history in an original, playful and aesthetic way (the life of Belgian PoW during the First World War, espionage in Belgian during the First World War, traces of the two world conflicts in Belgium, life at Camp Soest,…). The cases contain authentic objects, carefully executed reproductions, recorded testimonials and artistic creations. Each case is conceived as a small and easily transportable museum, and addresses various audiences. Both museums organize workshops to help the public discover the cases.

The Military Museum’s educational service developed 2-hour workshops for primary and secondary school groups, during which the pupils can discover the cases in small groups (only in French and Dutch). The findings are then discussed with the entire class. Combined days are also possible (½ day workshop + ½ day tour of the collections). The subjects broached by the cases are indeed closely linked to the WHI heritage exhibited in the refurbished WWI gallery, the collections about the inter-war period, WWII and the exhibition “War, Occupation, Liberation”.

Save the dates:

  • Saturday 8 May 2021: discovery of the cases at Mariemont
  • Saturday 27 November 2021: end of the museum cases tour at the WHI/RMM, in collaboration with the Society of Friends of the RMM (10:30-11:45 a.m.: lecture by Mr Pierre Müller; in the afternoon discovery of the cases with museum staff).
Information and booking;