War Heritage Institute

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During spring break the War Heritage Institute invites both young and old to come and discover its completely revamped and modernized “14-18” collection

During spring break the War Heritage Institute invites both young and old to come and discover its completely revamped and modernized “14-18” collection, now also to be enjoyed through two virtual circuits.

The circuit “Visual Arts of the Great War”, realized in the framework of the “Krokuskriebels” campaign, uses the “Heritage App” developed by Faro and is meant for children. Once the app and the circuit have been downloaded at the Museum entrance children (from age 6) accompanied by their families can discover the treasures safeguarded in the 14-18 Gallery by answering interactive question on their smartphones. A playful way to learn something about the First World War!

Adults have not been forgotten. The Educational Service developed a circuit based on QRCodes to highlight the oeuvre by Fernand Allard L’Olivier, works we retrieved from our storage rooms for the refurbishment of the gallery. Visitors can immerse themselves in the artist’s world through sound-bites, film footage, period pictures and commentaries.

Practical information


  • Heritage app (“ErfgoedApp”) “Visual Arts of the Great War”: children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult. Available in French and Dutch.
  • QRCodes circuit “The Works of Fernand Allard L’Olivier”: adults. Available in French, Dutch and English.

War Heritage Institute / Royal Military Museum

  • Spring break: from Saturday 13 till Sunday 21 February (Museum closed on Monday 15 February). Museum open from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. (last access at 3 p.m.).
  • The two circuits remain accessible even after Spring break.


  • Admission fees listed on www.klm-mra.be (your visit > fees).
  • In the framework of Krokuskriebels all families wishing to follow the “Visual Arts of the Great War” circuit benefit from a reduced admission fee:
  • children up to 14: free
  • accompanying adults: 8 euro/person

Booking and sanitary measures Because of the current sanitary measures all Museum visits have to be booked through booking.mra@warheritage.be or on 02/ 737 78 33 (from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m., from Tuesday through Sunday). Only family bubbles are admitted (exception made for groups of children under 12 in self-guided tours. A max. of 25 children per group during Spring break. 10 children/group outside holiday periods).

Remarks The activity for children requires a smartphone or tablet. After downloading the app and the circuit at the Museum entrance (wifi is available in the main lobby) an Internet connection no longer is required. The QRCode circuit focusing on the Fernand Allard L’Olivier’s work is accessible with a smartphone or tablet equipped with a QRCode reader. The 14-18 Gallery have wifi.