War Heritage Institute

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The ceremonies for the 76th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge took place without public

The ceremonies for the 76th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge took place without public and the Nuts weekend in Bastogne therefore was virtual.

Bastogne Barracks had not organized any activities, but its large vehicle hall was accessible upon reservation. The weekend counted three highlights: the inauguration of the monument honouring nurses Renée Lemaire and Augusta Chiwy, the unveiling of the plaque thanking American patrons at the Mardasson and the inauguration of the completely refurbished Boggess fort. Three vehicles from the War Heritage Institute Bastogne Barracks site were present, among them the Sherman Jumbo First In Bastogne, replica of the tank used by Lieutenant Charles BOGGESS to break through the Bastogne siege and to liberate the city.

© l'avenir.